
Apps Makers develops mobile applications via low-code tech to address economic challenges that Ukrainian refugees face as a result of the war. 


Year founded

Ukraine, Austria

IT & Software development

Product validation


Olena Liashenko

Olena Liashenko

Founder & CEO

The problem

Apps Makers solves social challenges with low-code tech. 

The solution

AppsMakers created a marketplace for services for Ukrainian refugees based in the European Union (EU). In this way, refugees can both access and provide a wide variety of services in the EU. 


The app is in huge demand within the Ukrainian community in the EU. Specifically, it helps Ukrainian women with additional income to support their families. 


What they're saying about BOOST

I obtained a more structured approach to idea creation and implementation, improved my pitching skills, and received feedback from international mentors. It was an exciting journey and I’m grateful to the whole team for their amazing work.

Learn more about organization

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