
A result of the pandemic, DokTok provides fast and easy medical consultations. It is a simple tool that connects citizens with doctors, allowing for immediate health consultations, without appointment, with one of the available experts.


Year founded

Belgrade, Serbia

Telehealth, Telemedicine

Launched product (early results stage)


Tamara Didic

Tamara Didic


Zorica Jovanovic

Zorica Jovanovic


Marko Lekic

Marko Lekic


Stefan Djukic

Stefan Djukic

Project Assistant

The challenge

Medicine has not yet used all the possibilities provided by new technologies. Despite the many opportunities that have come with the fourth industrial revolution, seeing a doctor has not significantly changed in decades. As a result of the pandemic, medical capacities have been harnessed in service of fighting the disease and healthcare systems have been overburdened. Nevertheless, citizens still require their usual medical consultations, which have now been made difficult and even unsafe.

Problems faced by prospective patients: Seeing a doctor has become an experience that costs both time and money, while due to pandemic, the service has become less accessible and risky.

1. Healthcare is inaccessible for citizens across the country, especially specialists (regardless of COVID-19);
2. The process of receiving adequate care in public institutions is lengthy and complicated;
3. Elementary medical consultations, not demanding a personal physical examination, are not available.

Problems faced by prospective doctors: An Intransparent market, monopolization of private healthcare and an inability to enter the “closed circles” increase the dependence of doctors on public health institutions.

1. A small number of doctors can offer their services directly to a large number of users;
2. Doctors are limited to the location where they live and work;
3. Services not demanding examination take an equal amount of time within private institutions (the doctor is always in the office, even for services he/she can provide remotely).

The solution

DokTok allows fast and easy online medical consultations through real-time, one-on-one chat, audio or video calls, without visiting health centers and spending time in waiting rooms. We will unburden the healthcare system and provide healthcare consultations to all citizens, regardless of status, age and location.

Our vision is to help strengthen primary healthcare services and offer a wide range of medical services for all – with complete privacy, no waiting, from any location, at a market oriented price. It provides medical experts an opportunity to offer their services anytime and from any location, in a transparent market.

DokTok’s main goal is to give people a quick and easy way to receive medical consultations, wherever they are. This is achieved through a mix of technical and user innovations, which make DokTok unique on the market.

What does DokTok bring?
1. Changes the medical practice
2. Democratizes the process of engaging a doctor, makes them more independent from public and private institutions, provides them with additional income
3. Provides users (in the region and diaspora) with access to medical experts and allows them to receive a “second opinion”
4. Solves the current situation of limited healthcare access due to the pandemic



We have invested six months in building a prototype. In that time, we learned a lot from doctors and users about their habits, expectations, challenges and needs. We’ve had more than 83 000 website visits. The value of DokTok has already been proven by more than 2000 consultations, with more than 1000 satisfied, returning users and a base of around 100 active doctors. Our survey showed that 80% of users solved their problem on DokTok. The fact that the quality of our platform was recognised by the two largest private systems confirms that a tool like this is a valuable addition to the market. DokTok has received national visibility and media coverage through different channels and formats in AVE value (Advertising Value Equivalent) of over EUR 200,000, and built a strong and active fanbase on social media channels.