
Flourish is a mobile app that allows you to learn more about social and emotional intelligence affordably via interactive, fully personalized games.


Year founded

Podgorica, Montenegro

Well being

In development


Jasna Pejović

Jasna Pejović


Valentina Radulović

Valentina Radulović


The challenge

The labor market is becoming more and more challenging. It is hard to stay competitive, especially in a time of crisis and the rise of digital and AI solutions. On the other hand, people are also facing various personal and mental health issues connected with the lack of social and emotional intelligence (SEI). COVID-19 boosted the need for SEI development even more because of imposed social distancing measures. The World Economic Forum and UNICEF identify a direct connection between SEI development and employability, career growth and happiness. What’s more, existing tools for SEI development are expensive, complex and time consuming.

The solution

Unlike current methods for SEI development, Flourish’s mobile app is personalized, affordable, simple, amusing and not time consuming. It will measure your current SEI, propose a development plan, and track your progress. Via playing games and quizzes, in only 10 minutes per day, you will flourish in your career and private life.