Rebee is a mobile app that assists parents in increasing their understanding of parent & child psychology through a tailored automated strategy, resulting in improved mental health and healthier family connections.
Year founded
Scale up & growth
By 2030 depression will be one of the most serious mental health problems, according to WHO. One of the most essential things you can do to prevent depression in adulthood is to build resilience in children through early childhood psychology interventions. This responsibility is primarily assigned to parents, who may not always have the information and support to create a healthy environment at home and establish good relationships with their children. Unfortunately, parents frequently have few resources, including time.
Education is one of the most essential preventive measures for strengthening mental health. Rebee is an app that assists parents by providing educational resources, varied psychological content, podcasts, incentive notifications, activity suggestions, a question-answer function, and a tailored automated plan for parents. Rebee’s goal is to raise parental awareness about mental health and provide easy access to information.
Rebee focuses on the wellbeing of both parents and children. As of 2022, almost 2000 parents have gained a better understanding of the parent-child relationship. In the autumn of 2022, a new version of the application will be released.
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