Science Heroes (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)

Science Heroes’ project will create a digital platform to engage the Science Heroes community and provide opportunities for volunteering, activism, fundraising and raising awareness, utilizing gamified tools, e-learning modules, a data management system and much more.

Science Heroes (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)

Year founded

Istanbul, Turkey




Alper Dokay

Alper Dokay

Project Manager, Developer

Christopher Rogenbuke

Christopher Rogenbuke

Business Analyst

Merve Özayıtgu

Merve Özayıtgu

Project Manager

Aslı Yurtsever

Aslı Yurtsever

Secretary General

The challenge

Our challenge is to maintain engagement and an active community, which consists of our volunteers, alumnus, donors, teachers etc. Existing methods are insufficient to effectively manage our community and to ensure quality network possibilities and loyalty.

The solution

Our project focuses on creating a platform for CSOs to keep them engaged with their communities over various activities including volunteering, events, applications, e-learning and some other CSO specific tasks. We aim to follow the modern approaches including gamification for the interaction between the organization and the community, and artificial intelligence fields such as machine learning and deep learning to analyze and provide recommendations based on the data collected. Moreover, we plan to achieve the goal of creating an institution-based cloud archive for the data stored in the system over the modules implemented.



We can not report any solid results yet. But we have had the chance to discuss our solutions with several groups from our community such as alumni, participants, volunteers, volunteer coordinators, board members. Their feedback was really positive and verified our starting point.