
Browse the tech-driven or digital innovations from previous BOOST cohorts.



Enchele is developing a system to automate heating in homes and buildings without human interaction based on the preferences and needs of the occupants. It saves up to 35% of energy by only heating specific areas frequented by the users. Additionally, all data generated is shared with grid operators for improved energy predictions and energy transition purposes.



Beepark is working to protect bees from extinction. It is developing API inhalation therapy as well as raising awareness among new generations about the role of beekeeping for the environment.

Kosovo Glass Recycling

Kosovo Glass Recycling

Given that glass waste is the only thing that is not being recycled in Kosovo, Kosovo Glass Recylcing deals with glass waste, including: terazzo tiles, glass cullet, pool filtration glass media, interior and exterior elements, artisan handmade products. 



PNC aims to reduce material waste in the wood manufacturing industry in Kosovo through software optimization. Through software solutions and further digitalization of material optimization, various types of businesses in Kosovo in the wood industry will have the chance to lower their material waste while increasing their production.



Greenergy produces affordable, organic-certified, and sustainable-produced spices, using agricultural waste and the circular economy model of production and consumption.

Eco Solution Research

Eco Solution Research

Eco Solution Research produces organic fertilizers and biogas.

Bio 365 Kosovo

Bio 365 Kosovo

Bio 365 Kosovo produces essential oils from medicinal plants. Taking into consideration that the process of production of essential oils generates a large amount of waste or biomass, Bio 365 Kosovo aims to produce bio-pellets out of this waste. Bio-pellets can be an energy source in the distillation and drying facility. The remaining ash after burning can also be used as organic fertilizer.

Boronica e sharrit

Boronica e sharrit

Through the Cold Storage Evaporator Panel Fruit Refrigerator Chamber, Boronica e Sharrit aims to save energy and protect the environment. Power cuts will no longer affect the business, and Boronica e sharrit will be able to offer fresh blueberries all year round.

Smart Parking

Smart Parking

Smart Parking is working on a long-term solution for urban parking in Kosovo's major municipalities by bringing to the market an innovative product: Vertical Rotary Parking. The concept enables multilateral cooperation between local authorities, the private business sector, and citizens.