
Browse the tech-driven or digital innovations from previous BOOST cohorts.

H2i Balkans

H2i Balkans

Floods have large consequences for communities and individuals. Better flood forecasting would lead to better real time warnings and planning, which would mean enhanced social sustainability in the region. The proposed project merges the potential of Earth Observation data with Computer Vision and Machine Learning technologies, to create improved flood forecasting and mitigation.



A result of the pandemic, DokTok provides fast and easy medical consultations. It is a simple tool that connects citizens with doctors, allowing for immediate health consultations, without appointment, with one of the available experts.

NGO State Watch / Market Research Tool

NGO State Watch / Market Research Tool

The project uses multiple sources of data to build a tool that would provide automatic market research analysis of prices for goods that enables budget spending units to spend money more efficiently and save taxpayers money.



PhaseGrowth is a digital tool for in-company trainings that allows industries to acquire knowledge and skills based on data and knowledge from upstream systems. The tool allows them to instantly update their competences as new information in the field appears, and is combined with peer cooperation and consultancy/guidance through the platform.

Young Guru Academy (YGA)

Young Guru Academy (YGA)

YGA's project will bring STEM education to disadvantaged children in Turkey and Kenya amidst the Covid-19 pandemic by using the latest digital technology.

Cerebral Palsy Turkey (TSCV)

Cerebral Palsy Turkey (TSCV)

The project by Cerebral Palsy Turkey aims to ensure that students with special needs continue to have access to education through accessible and tailored remote learning tools and methods.

Yuva Association (Yuva Derneği)

Yuva Association (Yuva Derneği)

By using Learning Management Systems and data-management systems to support and track participants' learning, the project will provide qualitative and learner-oriented alternative online education opportunities for youth.

Turkish Health and Family Planning Foundation (TAPV)

Turkish Health and Family Planning Foundation (TAPV)

TAPV will digitalize and bring online their education programmes, including their sexual health education program for adolescents, training of trainers on women’s health & gender equality and women’s health seminars. They will be made accessible for women, adolescents and teachers.

Science Heroes (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)

Science Heroes (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)

Science Heroes' project will create a digital platform to engage the Science Heroes community and provide opportunities for volunteering, activism, fundraising and raising awareness, utilizing gamified tools, e-learning modules, a data management system and much more.