Safe YOU, created by the Impact Innovations Institute, is a tech app and platform that aims to prevent or curb domestic and gender-based violence by supporting women who have experienced or are experiencing abuse.
Browse the tech-driven or digital innovations from previous BOOST cohorts.
Safe YOU, created by the Impact Innovations Institute, is a tech app and platform that aims to prevent or curb domestic and gender-based violence by supporting women who have experienced or are experiencing abuse.
A global online marketplace which connects all players in the floral industry.
The Business and Technology University is developing a training and mentoring programme to support girls and women living in Abkhazia, Georgia in acquiring digital skills and knowledge and enhancing digital literacy to improve career & networking opportunities.
ConsciESG is developing tools to assess the environmental and social impact of Western Balkan companies to assist them and investors in efficiently and effectively aligning their strategies to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors.
Dreamups is developing an e-learning platform to help local entrepreneurs from Moldova to access practical knowledge from expats.
Female Algorithm is a social edtech startup, helping women, in particular refugees, make a career change to tech and business management, using a single digital platform.
ForSet is developing a citizen-centric freedom of information (FOI) request website to nudge the government to release public data.
Girls Power Fund creates hybrid educational opportunities in STEM for girls and young women from rural and remote areas in Kazakhstan.
Enhancing girls’ IT skills through digital learning in Uzbekistan.