Spica Technology is developing a Health solution called CLARITY to help women take control of their health with access to a digital consilium of doctors experienced in obstetrics and gynaecology.
Browse the tech-driven or digital innovations from previous BOOST cohorts.
Spica Technology is developing a Health solution called CLARITY to help women take control of their health with access to a digital consilium of doctors experienced in obstetrics and gynaecology.
Izzidone is an e-commerce platform for consumers looking to make the lives of blue-collar workers easier by assisting them in managing their everyday activities with a simple and user-friendly tool.
The Kyrgyz Space Program is developing an educational platform to encourage youth involvement in STEM through satellite construction.
Linaster is a digital task outsourcing agency that recruits, trains and matches clients with remote skilled female talent.
LLC New algorithm is developing a digital skills learning platform to empower and unlock opportunities for girls and women in Tajikistan.
MUGALIM offers an interactive and user-friendly platform for teachers for online professional development and training opportunities.
OK TOWN is a marketplace for local tourism services and outdoor activities aimed at promoting domestic tourism.
Onwa develops and sells period underwear that is cost effective, reusable, eco-friendly, with sustainable and comfortable materials and design, in support of women’s sexual health.
The Pioneri Art platform and on-site gallery space brings together emerging visual artists and art lovers from the Balkan region and beyond.