
Browse the tech-driven or digital innovations from previous BOOST cohorts.



Flourish is a mobile app that allows you to learn more about social and emotional intelligence affordably via interactive, fully personalized games.

Rights and Freedoms of Turkmen Citizens

Rights and Freedoms of Turkmen Citizens

The project will provide remote medical help during the pandemic in Turkmenistan. The aim is to provide support to doctors to implement treatment plans with what is available. In addition, the platform will provide verified information to Turkmenistan citizens about the Covid-19 pandemic and the measures taken to contain the virus.

H2i Balkans

H2i Balkans

Floods have large consequences for communities and individuals. Better flood forecasting would lead to better real time warnings and planning, which would mean enhanced social sustainability in the region. The proposed project merges the potential of Earth Observation data with Computer Vision and Machine Learning technologies, to create improved flood forecasting and mitigation.

NGO State Watch / Market Research Tool

NGO State Watch / Market Research Tool

The project uses multiple sources of data to build a tool that would provide automatic market research analysis of prices for goods that enables budget spending units to spend money more efficiently and save taxpayers money.

Cerebral Palsy Turkey (TSCV)

Cerebral Palsy Turkey (TSCV)

The project by Cerebral Palsy Turkey aims to ensure that students with special needs continue to have access to education through accessible and tailored remote learning tools and methods.

Yuva Association (Yuva Derneği)

Yuva Association (Yuva Derneği)

By using Learning Management Systems and data-management systems to support and track participants' learning, the project will provide qualitative and learner-oriented alternative online education opportunities for youth.

Science Heroes (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)

Science Heroes (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)

Science Heroes' project will create a digital platform to engage the Science Heroes community and provide opportunities for volunteering, activism, fundraising and raising awareness, utilizing gamified tools, e-learning modules, a data management system and much more.

Business Council for Sustainable Development (SKD Turkey)

Business Council for Sustainable Development (SKD Turkey)

SKD’s project will establish an online learning management tool on circular economy in order to support companies in their transition from linear to circular business models.

Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association (Kaos GL)

Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association (Kaos GL)

The project will transform and migrate the organization's work (administrative and finance systems) to digital platforms to increase productivity and efficiency of work.